Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Retrofit Systems

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

In recent years, a new metal re-roofing concept has been developed to retrofit existing flat roofs to eliminate leaks. With this new system, typical metal roof benefits of classic neat appearance, wide color choice, lightweight and long lasting leak-free service life have become a "fountain of youth" for many older buildings.The concept consists of an Ultra Seam metal roofing system supported on an engineered metal framing system, which also creates the desired slope. Low cost addition of insulation is optional. Due to the stystem's extremely light weight, the new assembly can usually be installed right over the existing roofing without tear-off. Introduction of slope to the flat roof allows re-routing of drainage to eliminate troublesome internal drains.Re-roofing with metal allows older buildings to enjoy substantial savings in roof maintenance for years to come. For pricing estimates and engineering data, please contact your nearest Ultra Seam representative.

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